
Showing posts from March, 2015

Learning Reflection (12th)

         This  week  I  learned  Definition  and  Classification.  Definition  is  the  definition  or  meaning  of  the word , we can see the  unfamiliar  words.  Classification  is  a   simple classification, or organized by the general  characteristics   are  a  grouping  of  things  with  a  simple  approach  is from the outside to see   such as   color , size , shape , etc. Teachers  ordered  to  do  about  definition    exercise   . I do exercise   and   understand this better. Although we do not know the meaning of technical terms, but the   teacher   teaches   us   to   observe   keywords   make   for   a   definition   of   the   sentence   correctly. Today  we  learn  all  about  definition  and  classification , because  it  can  be  linked  together. I don't  understand  the  classification , because  in  one  article  there  are  many  different  kinds  of words  to  find.  Classification  is  quite  difficult  , and  the  teacher  ordered  to w

Learning Reflection (13th)

           This  week  we  learned  both  the  morning  and  afternoon. In  the early    morning  Learned  about  definition  and  classification , and in  the  afternoon  we  learned  about  Exemplification.  For example, to  see  the  picture  clearer  and for  the  readers  to  understand  the article  easier. By  observing  the  transition  words  and  phrases  such  as  For  example , for  instance , such  as , like , in  particular , in  fact  signal  to  the  reader  that  additional  specific  details  follow. The  teacher  instructs  the  practice  by  allowing  the  article  to answer the  questions  at  the  end  of  story  The  story  about  many  hazards  in  the  home  that  jeopardize  a  child's  safety. I  noticed  from  the transition  words. I  feel  that  is  very  difficult  for  me  because  I  can't  translate words  and  it made  linking  wrong  and  wrong  answer. I  have  to fix  the learn  and  remember  new  vocabulary . In

Learning Reflection (11th)

In  this   lesson  I  learned  about  Cause  and  Effect, it  use  to  tell  the  cause and  effect  that  is  how  to  explain  the  reasons  to  link  with  the  result  by words. These  are  the  keyword  of  cause  because , since ,  therefore , if…then , as  a  result  of , hence  and  thus. Then find the effect of the sentence understanding it correctly. I   think   this   lesson   is   difficult   because   must   be   able   to   translate   correctly. When   finished   translation   be understood   only   by   finding   cause   and results , then   link   diagram   is   very   difficult. If  the  teacher   to  do  this kind of examination. I don't  make  it of course. 5555+  So,   I  have  to  work  hard  to  read  more  and  understand  the  lesson, that  will  be  the  final  hand  with  items  coming soon. I  don't  like  the  class  in  the  afternoon  because  I  feel  very  sleepy  and  I just  eat  lunch  to  be  satiated , See  air  condit

Learning Reflection (10th)

In  this  week,  I  learned  about  Comparison  and  Contrast  from  last  week ,  teacher  ordered  me  to  do  homework .     It  about  men  and  women : Do  they  speak  the  same  language? I  read  the  paragraph  and  answer  the  question.  When  I  read  the  paragraph  it  made  I  knew  differences  between  the  languages  of  men  and  women  such  as  many  men  see  life  as  a  contest  in  which  they  are  struggling  to  become  independent  and  avoid  failure, on  the  other  hand , women  often  view  themselves  in  connect  with  other  people. After  that ,  teacher  ordered  me  to  do  exercise  by using the following questions: Using of language in the speech of men and women in similar or different? I  think  using  of  language  in  the  speech  of  men  and  women  are  different because  men  and  women  have  different  ideas  as  Tannen tell.  Women  are more vulnerable than men , thoughts  and  cares  about  people  around  too m

Learning Reflection (9th)

This  week's  mid-term  exam  2  I  quite  stressful.  I  do  not  know  I will  take  what  comes  out  at  the  time  of  the  exam ,  I  was  trying  to do  it .  Some  did  not  Some  have  written  to  me  in  that  it  is  not correct. My  time  in  the  90  minutes  exams  to  test  40  comments ,  I  take  the time  to  do  the  examination  until  the  time  runs  out. There  are  some innate  vocabulary ,  I  don't  know ,   but  I'm  trying  to  do  my best. After  that ,  the  rest  I  learned  in  comparison  and  contrast  lesson teacher   ordered   to  do  homework  from  last  week. So,  to  answer with  provide  training  for  teachers  the  main  idea  of  the  story. I  think  it's  hard  for  me  is  finding  the  main  idea  of   ​​ the  story. Sometimes  no  article  I  don’t  know  how  to  write.  But  I'm  beginning  to  have  understanding  of  the  essence  in  the  story  is much  more  then. And  I will  try  to

Learning Reflection (8th)

Today  I  exam  for  teachers  the three  lessons  is  learned  about  recount  narrative  and descriptive ,  spent  the  first  couple  of  hours , I  feel  that  it  is  easier  for  some , it's  hard  to mix my  problem  occurs  immediately. I  can’t   translate  it.  Make me  answer the question  not   correctly, But  I  have  tried  to  do  is  fully  developed. After  completion  she  was  ordered  last  week  to  disclose  the  practice. When  finished , it  began a  lesson  on  comparison  and  contrast , which  is  to  compare  the  similarities  and  differences  of people , animal , things  or  places.  Teacher  give   for  example , by  leading   orange  and  apple came  to  us  to  compare  and  try  to  find  the  main  idea  of  the  article. I  can  compare  the  similarities  and  differences.  But  the  problem  is  to  find  the  main  idea. I don't know how to put sentences come on? Finally, I   think  it is  not   difficul

Learning Reflection (7th)

        This week, start the lesson, which is Procedure article type writing to  tell you how to do such as cooking, making the invention and  how to use objects as well.        The  purpose  of  procedure  is  to  tell  the  reader  how  to  do  or  make  something,  the  information  is  presented  in  a  logical  sequence  of  events  which  is  broken  up  into  small  sequenced  steps.  These  texts  are  usually  written  in  the  present  tense.      I think  procedure   is not very difficult  for  me  , because  use  the  tense  in normally, it is a story as a series. Teachers  shown    example   by   removing   the  video  Cooking  as  an  example , we  have fun  and  have  the  knowledge  to  even  listen  to  the  video  clip.      What  is  the  problem  with  me is  that  the  terminology  because  I  would  like  to  say,  but  that  I don't   know  the  terminology , thus  causing  the  instability  continued , and  I  will  attempt  to