Learning Reflection (15th) of Seminar in English Language Teaching Course
From last week, teacher assigned everyone in my class to study about Sociocultural Theory as an Approach to aid EFL Learners of Vygotsky Theory. So, what we learned today? Today I learned about the Vygotskian approach, the teacher's scaffolding and Zone of Proximal Development.
A scaffold is a temporary framework that is put up for support and access to meaning and taken away as needed when the child secures control of success with a task. A construct that is critical for scaffolding instruction is Vygotsky's concept, when students are given the support they need while learning something new, they stand a better chance of using that knowledge independently.
What is Sociocultural theory?
Sociocultural theory is an emerging theory in psychology that looks at the important contributions that society makes to individual development. This theory stresses the interaction between developing people and the culture in which they live.
What is Vygotsky's theory?
A second aspect of Vygotsky's theory is the idea that the potential for cognitive development depends upon the "zone of proximal development" (ZPD): a level of development attained when children engage in social behavior. Full development of the ZPD depends upon full social interaction.
What is scaffolding according to Vygotsky?
What is Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?
It is an important concept in sociocultural theory is known as the ZPD.
According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development "is the distance between the actual development level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers."
Essentially, it includes all of the knowledge and skills that a person cannot yet understand or perform on their own yet but is capable of learning with guidance. As children are allowed to stretch their skills and knowledge, often by observing someone who is slightly more advanced than they are, they are able to progressively extend this zone of proximal development.
In my opinion, I think this theory appropriate with the Thai context, because Thai students are not familiar with Student-centered approach, that make students to seek knowledge by themselves and the teacher's as a facilitator in learning, but for the Vygotsgy theory, he said that teachers must assist the students. Students can work the same goals or objectives. Teachers must train executive work and study them until they can work manually. So, the teacher have to make the executive class by their potential capabilities.
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