Learning Reflection (14th)

Problem  and  Solution

Problem  and  solution  is  a  pattern  of  organization  where  information  in  a  passage  is  expressed  as  a  dilemma  or  concerning  issue  and  something  that  was ,  can  be ,  or  should  be  done  to  remedy  this  issue (solution  or  attempted  solution).

Signal  words  in  the  problem  and  solution  pattern  of  organization :  solution , approach , answer , issue , propose , problem , problematic , remedy , prevention , prevent , handle , fix  and  solve.

I  think  it's  very  difficult  for  me , because  the  article  is  quite difficult. I  don’t  understand  it.   If a teacher  examination ,  I would not do it..  It  very  difficult  for me. I  try  to  do  the  exercises but  I  can’t  do  it. 

My  solution  is  to  gradually  open  mind  and  try  to  understand  it  and   to  develop  knowledge  of  vocabulary  more. Perhaps  the problem  is  difficult. We  already  discouraged  with  it , but I'll try to  listen  to  the  teacher  and  try  to  understand  it.


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