Learning Reflection (4th) of Seminar in English language Teaching Course


         The knowledge that I learned is about 21st Century Learning: Pedagogical Perspectives by  Aj.Usa Noytim. Teacher presented and taught about 21st Century Learning, then I noted about that as follows:
21st Century Learning: Pedagogical Perspectives can divided into 4 points-    Context of why 21st century Learning is vital
-    21st key subjects
-    Themes
-    Skills
-    Factors affecting
     After that, teacher told me about ICT meaning, Globalization, Global economy, ASEAN community and High competition in 21st Century. So, the effect of it made these thing happen such as high demand of Knowledge workers, high order thinking skill, high skill, asset, Multiple tasks, Autonomy ,  Life-long learning,  Innovation and  Productivity.

     Moreover, she told me about 21st century key sub subject as follows:
-     English reading or language
-     World languages
-     Arts
-     Mathematics
-     Economics
-     Science
-     Geography
-     History
-     Government & Civics        Then, for the next topic I listed the information that I got from the teacher as follows:
-     21st Century themes
-     Global awareness
-     Financial, economic, business entrepreneurial literacy
-     Civic
-     Health
-     Environmental
 21st Century Skills-     Learning & Innovation
-     Information, media & technology
-     Life & Career

   Learning and innovation skills
         " 4Cs "
-      Creativity and innovation
-      Critical thinking and problem solving
-       Communication
-      Collaboration
      Information, media and technology
-      Information literacy
-      Media literacy
-      ICT literacy-      Life and Career
-      Flexibility and adaptability
-      Initiative and self-direction
-      Productivity and accountability
-      Leadership and responsibility
-      Social and cross-cultural skills
 Factor affecting Thai students’ 21st Century Learning: Pedagogical Perspective1. Teacher and pedagogical practice2. The impact of the Thai culture in terms of:    - Power distance    - Collectivism & individuality    - Uncertainty avoidance3. The examination-based assessment4. Student motivation5.  Learning environment6.  Student low English Proficiency

     I like to learn by lecture because I can listen and think together. In my opinion, sometimes, many contents was making students feel sleepy. So, should make students to activate by using the activity that interesting.


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