
Showing posts from April, 2015

Learning Reflection of this Course

             Throughout  the  study  in  this  course  is  to  learn  about  cross  country  links  the  article.  The  principle  of  observing the  types  of  text   for  each  category  are  as  follows :                    1.    Recount                   2.   Narrative                   3.   Description                   4.   Procedure                   5.   Comparison   and  contrast                   6.   Cause  and  effect                   7.   Definition                   8.   classification                   9.   Exemplification                  10 . Problem  solving         After  I  learned  I  discuss  and  analyse  different  genres  of  text.  Connect  part  of  the  text  by  recognizing  cohesion  of  the  text  through  cohesion  devices  such  as  references ,  substitution , ellipsis , and  conjunction.         Methods  of  teaching  to  watch  video  and  find  out  more knowledge. I f eel  that  it's  more  fun  and  in

Learning Reflection (15th)

        Today   is  the  last  day  of  class  in  this course.  Last  time , we  learned  about  the  problem  and  the  solution , not  the end. Teacher  taught   about  searching   discourse  marker  and  definition , I  ever  learned  in  previous chapters.  In  this article  is  very  difficult.  I  must  be  translated  and  understood  it , So  that  it  will  be  important. The  hardest  thing  for  me  is  the  terminology , I  did  not translate.  Sometimes  I  do  not  understand  the comprehension  of the  story.  I  try  to  find  the  meaning  of the  vocabulary , and  link  the  content.  And  also  I  was interested  to  read  more  English  and  to  practice  new vocabulary. I  feel  that  this  is  the  most  difficult  for  me , I  try  to  understand  it , practice  exercises , but  I  made  a  mistake ,  sometimes  almost  despondency  that  was  not  at  all. When the  teacher  explained , I  listen  and  understand. I  will  try  to do  the  exe

Learning Reflection (14th)

Problem  and  Solution Problem  and  solution  is  a  pattern  of  organization  where  information  in  a  passage  is  expressed  as  a  dilemma  or  concerning  issue  and  something  that  was ,  can  be ,  or  should  be  done  to  remedy  this  issue (solution  or  attempted  solution). Signal  words  in  the  problem  and  solution  pattern  of  organization :  solution , approach , answer , issue , propose , problem , problematic , remedy , prevention , prevent , handle , fix  and  solve. I  think  it's  very  difficult  for  me , because  the  article  is  quite difficult. I  don’t  understand  it.   If a teacher  examination ,  I would not do it..   It  very  difficult  for me. I  try  to  do  the  exercises but  I  can’t  do  it.  My   solution   is   to   gradually   open   mind   and   try   to   understand   it   and     to   develop   knowledge   of   vocabulary   more. Perhaps   the problem   is   difficult. We   already   discouraged   w