
Showing posts from August, 2014

Denque Fever

     Dengue fever is a disease caused by the mosquito.  Especially during the month of August, this is the rainy season. Everyone has a chance to be a dengue fever if you do not take care yourself.       Symptoms of dengue acute high fever for about 2-7 days.  Loss of appetite, headache, nausea and vomiting. Some people have red blood spots on the body, arms and legs. Maybe shock or possible died. How to prevent and control dengue is best to control spread of mosquito. • Get rid of mosquito breeding sources such as tires, cans  and  sources of water. • Will have to campaign for the removal of mosquito larvae in the community. • Maintain health, fitness, self-care and  family care.
About  me Name : Tanyalak  Suksomboon                         Nickname : Dear Date of  birth : 12 October 1994                        Age : 19 years. Address : 103/2 M.3 Tammasala, Mueang Nakhonpathom , Nakhonpathom province 73000 Nationality : Thai                                                 Phone : 085-297-1007 E-mail : Family : I  have  one  brother. College : I am  studying  at  Nakhonpathom  Rajabhat  University, majoring  in                English Education. Hobbies : I like  to play  a  guitar. My  favorite colors : Green  and  blue My  favorite  sport : Badminton